Elevate Your Bottom Line in Poultry Farming With the Right Nutrients

Berg+Schmidt - Animal Nutrition. Wir entwickeln innovative Futtermittelzusatzstoffe, um weltweit die Leistung der Tiere zu steigern und die Rentabilität erhöhen.



For us poultry nutrition is all about maintaining optimal gut health through AGP-reduction and microbiota modulation. We aim to implement effective dietary energy management with lipid supplementation for efficient growth and enhancing egg layer longevity with lecithin application and emulsifiers. These practices not only support the overall health and well-being of poultry but also contribute to sustained productivity and profitability in the long term.


The lifespan of laying hens is of crucial importance. The right additives promote the health of the hens and ensure continuous and sustainable productivity. That's why we offer the right additives to help your hens realise their full potential.


The right additives are the backbone of sustainable meat production in broilers and other meat types and of course to us. Our products support your broilers to fuel a healthy growth, ensuring optimal muscle development and quality meat production.

Berg+Schmidt - Animal Nutrition. Wir entwickeln innovative Futtermittelzusatzstoffe, um weltweit die Leistung der Tiere zu steigern und die Rentabilität erhöhen.

Berg+Schmidt GmbH & Co. KG
Animal Nutrition
An der Alster 81
20099 Hamburg


Phone: +49 (0)40 – 284 09 58 - 12