LipoVital MCM C8-C10

  • Pig
  • Poultry
  • Aquaculture

  • Pig
  • Poultry
  • Aquaculture
  • Pig
  • Poultry
  • Aquaculture
Suitable for
  • Piglets
  • Sows
  • Fattening Pigs
  • Broiler
  • Fish
  • Shellfish
LipoVital MCM C8-C10 is a combination of monoglycerides of caprylic and capric acid, which have specific antibacterial properties against pathogenic gram(-) bacteria such as E. coli or Salmonella spp. The monoglyceride form is more efficacious than its corresponding fatty acid form. Short-chain fatty acid and medium-chain fatty acid monoglycerides are powerful inhibitors of gram(+) and gram(-) bacteria, positively influencing the gut microbiota.

Product properties

Powder, Liquid


  • Supports immunometabolic status
  • Antimicobial effects
  • Strong against gram (-) bacteria
  • Active against gram (+) bacteria
Berg+Schmidt - Animal Nutrition. Wir entwickeln innovative Futtermittelzusatzstoffe, um weltweit die Leistung der Tiere zu steigern und die Rentabilität erhöhen.

Berg+Schmidt GmbH & Co. KG
Animal Nutrition
An der Alster 81
20099 Hamburg


Telefon: +49 (0)40 – 284 09 58 - 12