26. 06. 24

ADSA 2024 - What a success !

Dr. Corinna Brock presented her findings on the effects of rumen-protected sugar supplementation.

Dr. Corinna Brock, our Product Manager for Encapsulated Nutrients, showcased her research on the impact of rumen-protected sugar supplements on the health of dairy cows at the annual ADSA conference.

Her poster session was highly successful, facilitating the exchange of valuable insights with professors, students, and fellow nutritionists.

These forums are instrumental in not only broadening our knowledge but also in enabling us to provide our customers with innovative solutions.

We extend our congratulations to Dr. Brock for her contributions to advancing dairy nutrition and propelling us forward in our mission.

Berg+Schmidt - Animal Nutrition. Wir entwickeln innovative Futtermittelzusatzstoffe, um weltweit die Leistung der Tiere zu steigern und die Rentabilität erhöhen.

Berg+Schmidt GmbH & Co. KG
Animal Nutrition
An der Alster 81
20099 Hamburg


Phone: +49 (0)40 – 284 09 58 - 12